Why Judo at Tsukuri?

Judo club Tsukuri aims at providing splendid leisure activities for as many sportsmen and sportswomen as possible. For young people as well as for adults there are plenty of opportunities to practice this beautiful sport. 

Besides regular training sessions and lessons, judokas can engage in extra training for matches and competitions. For the advanced judokas we also pay ample attention to Kata training and provide the opportunity to engage in Kata contests.

Tsukuri also gives plenty of thought to sociability. We regularly organize youth camps and social events for junior and senior groups. Board, teachers and trainers give top priority to mutual feelings of fellowship and a good athmosphere within the club. 

Judo club Tsukuri is affiliated with the Judo Bond Nederland (the Dutch Judo Association) and its teachers are fully qualified. Its judokas are trained from white belt up to 5th dan. Each judoka can practice the sport to his or her level. Teachers and trainers consider it of the utmost importance that all this happens in a joyful atmosphere of mutual respect and responsibility. 

Why Aikido at Tsukuri?

Maybe you already know Aikido, or you are looking for an interesting martial art: Tsukuri Aikido gives you the chance to understand and experience Aikido based on your own needs.

Our aikido school follows the aikido of the international Hombu Dojo in Tokyo, Japan. the school is an official member of the Dutch JBN organisation and recognised by NOC/NSF. The aikido school is led technically and organisationally by Marc Geraerts Sensei.

Come by for a trial lesson!

Our dojo in the city centre of Maastricht (Statensingel 151) is a real budo centre which welcomes every sportsman and sportswoman that has a warm interest in budo sports. 

Please drop in and have a trial lesson.
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